September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Fire in Attica: Burnt land and ashes – photos that show the scale of the disaster

The forest near Grammatiko, the hill above Nea Makri, the trees around Lake Marathon, whole sections of Mount Pendelius were turned to ashes.

The fire in northeastern Attica, which is still burning, has revolutionized the life of the Greek capital, which in recent years has been steadily losing its remaining “green lungs”. This summer, more than 10,000 hectares of land have been destroyed in Attica, and the fire has gotten so out of control that it has not only burned Penteli, causing unimaginable destruction, but has also penetrated into the city limits of the Greek capital, causing houses in the areas of Vrilisia, Chalandri, Dionysos to burn down in flames.

The fire reminded many of another major fire that also started in Grammatiko in 2009 and spread to Mount Penteli, destroying 20,000 hectares of land. The extent of the destruction is still unclear, but it is estimated that more than 100 houses were burned.

Woman, factory worker, died, trapped in the company where she worked, which became known very late on Monday evening.

Long-term consequences

The ecological footprint, air pollution, thousands of burned animals – these are the consequences that will constantly loom before us in the coming years for residents of the capital region. Despite all the statements, the state mechanism once again proved incapable of preventing, much less stopping, such a catastrophe. The camera lens captured what the flames left behind, and the pictures turned out depressing.

See photos


Photo from Varnava, where the fire started


A huge ecological disaster


Fire victims


Mountain slopes near Marathon


Firefighter on vacation

Fire in Attica: Burnt land and ashes – photos that show the scale of the disaster

Burnt cars


House in Patima Vrilisia


Patima Vrilisia


What remains of the building in Patima Halandri


Green hill above Nea Makri surrenders to flames


The house and surrounding area burned down completely.


The smoke is still billowing


What's left of the house in Patima Vrilisia

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