September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Firefighters are exhausted as they battle the blaze

Firefighters have been battling the fire since yesterday 11/08, working hard on the “fire front”, a fire that started in the Varnava area and has now reached Penteli.

Much of northeastern Attica, in the area of ​​Mount Penteli, is in the grip of the fire. Firefighters are making superhuman efforts to extinguish the flames. Crews fought the scourge all night to at least contain the fire in Attica, but strong winds left no hope. With the first rays of the sun on August 12, planes were ordered to take off immediately.

Dawn found the fire brigade pilots on alert, and a short time later three more aircraft were ordered to assist in extinguishing the fire. Currently, 15 helicopters and 17 aircraft are working to extinguish the fire.

The radar image is mesmerizing. It shows the movement of three Ericsson helicopters helping to put out the fire. The rotorcraft are constantly moving, replenishing their water supplies and returning to the “fire front”.


In extinguishing the fire, with the assistance of competent authorities, 510 firefighters, 16 forestry crews and 152 vehicles, as well as a large number of volunteers, are working; aviation equipment has also been raised.

Firefighters are making superhuman efforts to prevent the fire from spreading and to protect citizens. The photos published today by Eurokinissi outside Pentelis Children's Hospital are heartbreaking. One of them shows an exhausted firefighter who simply lay down on the ground to give his tired body a short break.

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