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The US has prevented an assassination attempt on Russian President V. Putin in St. Petersburg

Ukrainian secret services planned a terrorist attack On July 28 in St. Petersburg with the aim of the assassinations of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Andrei Belousov during the celebration of Navy Day.

The Russians themselves informed the Americans about this – Defense Minister Andrei Belusov contacted his American counterpart Lloyd Austin, which was confirmed by the American newspaper New York Times.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the terrorist attack was planned to take place during the parade. In a statement to the Russian TV channel “Russia 1”, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov claims that the terrorist attack was planned for July 28 and did not take place only thanks to “very tough negotiations” between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the US Pentagon.

The Russian Defense Minister spoke with his American counterpart Lloyd Austin, revealing information that Russia has about the terrorist attack that was being prepared by Ukrainian special services. The details of the conversation are a state secret and further details are not being disclosed, and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry declined to comment.

However, the New York Times confirmed that the phone The conversation took place on July 12 and concerned a secret Ukrainian operation against Russia. The publication claims that this operation against the Russian leadership was not approved by the Americans. The American newspaper even quoted two American officials who saidthat Russia's statements came as a surprise to Pentagon staff; the American side did not know about the operation being prepared.

Ryabkov said that during the conversation between Belusov and Austin, Russia indicated that the US would have to convince Ukraine to abandon its intention to commit such a murderous act, which could even lead the planet to a nuclear conflict. Austin was reportedly surprised by the news, “but he took it very seriously,” said a Russian official.

Washington contacted Ukraine and warned Kyiv that if it was planning such an operation, it should not carry it out. “If you're thinking about doing something like that, don't do it,” the Americans' message says. No one knows what the two defense ministers talked about, but it was enough to make the right decisions.

“I can say that, judging by some signs, the signal sent from the Russian side to Washington – and, as I understand, not only to Washington, but also to some other capitals controlled by Washington – was received. We avoided a new escalation,” said Ryabkov.

Of course, the question is whether the US knew about the Ukrainians' plans from the very beginning or was simply forced to “catch” them, having met with an angry reaction from the Russians, who realized that if this plan succeeded, they risked entering into a nuclear confrontation.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, later also pointed out the role Great Britain in a potential Ukrainian assassination attempt on the Russian president. “There is no doubt that the assassination attempt on Putin that Budanov (head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR)) spoke about was planned with the participation of the Anglo-Saxon masters of Kyiv,” stated diplomat.

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