September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina 'escaped' to India in military helicopter

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned and fled to India in a military helicopter.

According to Reuters, Thousands of protesters stormed the prime minister's residence from which she fled. The situation is volatile and there are serious concerns about what will happen next.

During the anti-government protests that have been ongoing since July, More than 300 people died. The Bangladesh army chief is expected to deliver a speech and hold talks with non-military officials on the situation in the country, a military official said.

The prime minister's son has called on Bangladesh's security forces to prevent any takeover.Your duty is to guarantee the security of our people and country, and to protect the constitution.”– the US politician and businessman wrote on Facebook, addressing security forces, adding that “They must not allow an unelected government to seize power even for a minute.”

On Sunday in clashes between police and tens of thousands of anti-government protesters At least 90 people were killed and hundreds more were injuredThe internet was completely shut down for several hours during the “Great March on Dhaka.” The army was deployed on the streets to enforce a curfew that protesters ignored.

The protests, started in July mainly by students, demanded the abolition of quotas for government jobs. However, they later grew into a broader anti-government movement. Violent unrest has forced the government to restrict internet access in some parts of the country.

The UN called for an end to the “shocking violence” and urged Bangladeshi politicians and security forces to show restraint.

Bangladesh was once part of Pakistan and the region was called East Pakistan. It became independent as a result of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, which Pakistan lost (as it did in all other wars against India), losing a very large part of its sovereignty.

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