September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Organizers of the September 11 terrorist attack in the US made a deal with investigators (video)

The defendants in the September 11 attacks who remain in Guantanamo Bay have made a plea deal with investigators. However, just a couple of days later, the head of the Pentagon reneged on the agreement.

How tells Euronews, in an effort to avoid the death penalty, the organizers of the large-scale terrorist attack are ready to admit guilt by concluding a deal with the investigation. The Pentagon reported this without disclosing details. The media noted that they learned the details from letters that the US military prosecutor's office sent to relatives of the victims of the terrorist attacks.

According to the investigation, Walid Sheikh Mohammed and his two accomplices are ready to admit their guilt on all counts, including the murder of 2,976 people. In exchange, they will receive life. It was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who proposed this form of organizing a terrorist attack to Osama bin Laden, and then personally selected and instructed the suicide bombers. All these years, the accused remained in the American prison Guantanamo.

American media outlets note that such a deal will help to dramatically speed up the process, ending years of pre-trial proceedings, which are still focused on the question of whether testimony obtained under torture in Guantanamo is admissible in court.

However, the head of the Pentagon refused the deal plead guilty by the mastermind and his accomplices. This came after Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin removed the military official who facilitated the agreement from the case because it would have removed the death penalty from the possible punishment. Austin's memo to Susan Escallier, who oversaw the military court at Guantanamo Bay, said:

“I have determined that in light of the significance of the decision to enter into plea bargains with the defendants… the responsibility for such a decision should rest with me. I hereby waive the three plea bargains you entered into on July 31, 2024, in the above case.”

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