September 16, 2024

Athens News

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UK: Southampton child killer, 17, in custody, named (video)

A 17-year-old boy who attacked girls at a UK dance school with a knife has been remanded in custody. His name has been revealed.

He stabbed at least 13 people, nine of whom were children. Three of the girls died from their injuries. The teenager was remanded in custody and charged on July 31. in three murders and ten attempted murdersand on August 1 he pleaded guilty at Liverpool Crown Court. The court finally decided that his identity had been revealed. This is usually prohibited in relation to minors, writes CNN Greece.

This 17-year-old Axel Rudakubana. The teenager is believed to have lived in a rural area near the town of Southport, where he carried out the attack. The suspect was born in Cardiff (a port city on the south coast of Wales). He arrived at Liverpool Magistrates' Court under heavy police escort and smiled at reporters in the courtroom before taking a seat in the glassed-in area reserved for defendants. He then lifted his T-shirt, covering his face up to his nose and watched the hearing, which lasted just five minutes, with his head down and not saying a word.

A judge ordered him to be placed in a juvenile facility after he was charged with three murders and 10 attempted murders, which involved eight children and two adults. Two of the children have already been released from hospital, where they had been since Monday.

Following the attack on the dance school, riots broke out in many British cities, even in London, where 100 protesters were arrested on the night of August 1. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has called an emergency meeting with police chiefs to discuss the situation. He has promised to crack down on the violence, attributed to xenophobic protesters, fuelled by speculation, largely on social media, about the profile of a suspect.

The attack and unconfirmed rumours about the assailant's background and religion sparked anger that in some cases led to incidents. riots On Tuesday in Southport, during which protesters (supporters of the far-right English Defence League, according to authorities) attacked a mosque and injured more than 50 police officers, tensions escalated on Wednesday.

In London, several hundred people carrying the Union Jack demonstrated outside the Prime Minister's official residence in Downing Street. London Mayor Sadiq Khan condemned the violent incidents, calling them “unacceptable” and stressing that they were caused by people “sowing discord”.

Protests also took place in other cities, including Hartlepool, where a police car was set on fire, and Manchester and Aldershot, where protesters gathered outside hotels housing asylum seekers.

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