September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

WWII Bomb Found in Elliniko

Authorities will begin defusing a World War II bomb found at the site of the former Elliniko airport on Friday.

The defused bomb will be released at 8:00 a.m. Friday, August 2. It is likely that an explosion will occur. The bomb is large (about 226 kilograms), petrified, and is located 500 meters from the nearest residential buildings.

Enormous protective dams will be built around the bomb to absorb the shock wave. And as experts assure, the controlled explosion will not cause the slightest disturbance to residents or impact on adjacent areas, except perhaps noise. There will be no need to organize traffic, since the bomb is located far from residential areas.


“The Second World War may have ended almost eight decades ago, but its scars still remain on our land. Another bomb was found at a work site in the Elliniko area. We are in constant cooperation with all relevant departments and the competent military department so that the process of neutralizing the dangerous munition can be carried out perfectly. There is no reason to worry,” assured everyone the mayor of Glyfada, Georgios Papanikolaou.

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