September 19, 2024

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Live Debate: On Hungarian Politics and "neo-nazis" Azov

The verbal “duel” of Czech MEPs over Hungarian policy turned out to be emotional and sharp. The dispute was about opening the Schengen zone for Russians, Ukrainian refugees and Azov fighters.

Two MEPs argued live on air over Hungary's policy of allowing Russian and Belarusian citizens access to the Schengen zone, tells Novinky edition.

Pirates MEP Marketa Gregorová called Ondřej Dostal, also an MEP elected on the Enough! list, a “pro-Russian scumbag.” She was “blown up” by Dostal's suggestion on CNN Prima News that refugees from Ukraine arriving in EUare neo-Nazis and Banderites.

The topic of the program and the dispute between politicians was the decision of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban: from July, Russians can register in his country as working foreigners and then travel to other countries of the European Union. According to Gregorova, this is a serious security risk, and the EU should consider excluding Hungary from the Schengen zone, that is, free movement of persons without control. Dostal replied:

“If some neo-Nazis, bandits, mafiosi, criminals and the like were supposed to get here, then they got here already in the first wave, when hundreds of thousands of people came here.”

Visibly upset, Gregorova reacted sharply to these words:

“I would like to clearly distance myself from what Mr. Dostal so subtly hinted at – that the Ukrainians who fled the war two years ago were neo-Nazis. The Ukrainians were from a country occupied by Russia, pro-Russian scum! I don't understand at all how you dare say such a thing on live television.”

Even the moderator's request for politeness did not calm her down. Meanwhile, Dostal began to insist that no one could guarantee that hundreds of “problematic” people did not end up among the refugees in the EU. According to him, the Pirates' Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky supports “the agitation of Banderites and neo-Nazis from Azov.” To which Gregorova retorted:

“Some of the best fighters are under the flag of Azov. Putin does not want the truth about them to be spread.”

She added that it had already been clearly proven that there were no neo-Nazis in the battalion.

It should be noted that the leader of the “Enough!” party, Kateřina Konečna (she is also a member of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia), was outraged by the visit to Prague of the fighters of the Third Separate Assault Brigade and former Azov fighters. The meeting is taking place as part of the “European tour” of the assault brigade, whose fighters visited Poland last week. Similar events were also planned to be held in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, but they were cancelled by the organizers for security reasons. On Friday, August 2, the brigade members are scheduled to arrive in Vilnius.

Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky responded to Kateřina Konecna. He expressed doubts about “in which country she was elected as an MEP”:

“Soon we will remember another anniversary of the occupation [Чехословакии] Soviet tanks. Those same tanks are now killing in Ukraine, and Putin would like to go even further. If anyone is imitating the Nazis by killing and kidnapping children, it is Russia.”

There is a video of the dispute on the above link.

About Schengen visas – up-to-date information:

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