September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Where is the Greek Pig Beach

Wild boars frolicking in the Ionian Sea have caused an internet sensation, with dozens of videos posted on TikTok and other social media.

Bathers on the small island of Atokos in the Ionian Sea, near Ithaca, encountered a curious phenomenon – a family of wild boars coming out onto the beach. The piglets were swimming next to the vacationers, not at all afraid of them. Apparently the heat got to these forest animals, who came down to the water.

It remains a mystery how the pigs ended up on the uninhabited island, 4.5 square kilometers in area, which administratively belongs to Ithaca and is part of the Echinadon complex. The island is part of the Natura 2000 conservation network due to its habitat of rare marine life.

Atokos Island is owned by the shipbuilding family Tsakou, who once a year organize a table on the beach called “One House Bay”. On this beach is the only building on the island – the small church of St. John. Only a few goats roam freely on the uninhabited island. Apparently, these animals are cared for by a shepherd who visits the island every four days as part of an agreement with the current owner.

In 2015, Atokos was on sale for 44 million euros with the possibility of building a hotel, but since the island is in the Natura 2000 zone, this is not possible.

Let us recall that nearby is the island of Oxia, which was sold in 2013 to Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani, the Emir of Qatar, for 4.9 million euros.


Atokos Beach is not only famous for the aforementioned party. In recent years, a herd of black pigs has settled here, which have become an absolute attraction of the island, as they love the sea and never miss an opportunity to swim. It is for this reason that the beach is now known as Greek Pig Beach.

If you happen to be there, you will have the opportunity to swim with the piglets (and not far from them) in the deep blue waters – a unique experience for you.

Imagine yourself gliding through clear water with a small pig swimming alongside you, snorting to show how much it enjoys the cool water. If there are other pigs around, you might hear them squealing playfully. Experts warn that it is important to respect the pigs and their environment. Don’t feed them human food or anything harmful to them, and be careful when interacting with them. Pigs are wild animals, so it is important to keep your distance and not irritate them.

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