September 19, 2024

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Unusual death of Ukrainian in Italy (video)

A Ukrainian man died while escaping from a wasp attack on a beach in Italy. No bites were found on his body.

The tragedy occurred on Saturday, July 27, in the southern Italian city of Crotone, when a 47-year-old man was attacked by a swarm of wasps while on the beach, tells Edition Corriere della Sera.

The Ukrainian knew he was allergic to wasp stings and, upon seeing the insects, tried to escape their attack in the sea. At first, it was believed that he died of anaphylactic shock, but not a single bite was found on his body. It is believed that he suffered a heart attack and drowned.

Eyewitnesses say that it was very difficult to save him – aggressive insects pursued the man and stung everyone who came close, including police officers and carabinieri. As the publication reports, the Ukrainian worked as an engineer, and he came to Crotone with his family on vacation.

When experts inspected the scene, they found that the wasps had settled right in the sand. Crotone Mayor Vincenzo Voce ordered the beach to be closed for a complete clean-up of the insects until it was safe to visit.

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