September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Thessaloniki: Police raid juvenile offenders

Last Sunday (July 28), Thessaloniki police carried out a special operation aimed at preventing crime among minors.

As part of the campaign, which was carried out in certain areas of the city, A total of 104 people were tested, 91 of whom were minors.

The objective was to collect data and map the movements of juveniles potentially involved in crime. The data collected would be assessed, used and researched to plan targeted interventions in areas where there is an increase in juvenile crime.

The main objects of the checks were, as a rule, minors (or those who position themselves as such) migrants and refugees from Asian and African countries who stop in Thessaloniki (often for years) on their way to Central and Northern Europe. Since they usually cannot find normal work, their main means of subsistence are small jobs and criminal activity: theft, retail drug trafficking, etc.

Such “raids” will continue to be carried out, as announced, in the context of preventing and solving the problem of juvenile delinquency.

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