September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Study: Women, Sex and… Early Death

Sex at least once a week will help women avoid early death, scientists say. For men, the criteria are somewhat different.

Research results, published in the Journal of Psychosexual Health, indicate that The frequency of intimate relationships in women is directly linked to the risk of early death. To warn her and prolong his life, Women need to have sex every weekthanks to its heart-healthy properties.

Women aged 20 to 59 who have sex infrequently – less than once a week – have a 70% increased risk of all-cause mortalityResearchers at Walden University in Minnesota have concluded that women may benefit from enjoying intimate relationships more than once every seven days, the New York Post reports:

“Sexual activity is important for overall cardiovascular health, possibly by reducing heart rate variability and increasing blood flow.”

The study also found that Depression combined with low frequency of sexual intercourse leads to higher risk of mortality.

But If women benefit from more sex, then men should “know their limits”the study's authors note. They found that Excessive sex can increase the risk of death in men by six times compared to womenconcluding:

“This shows that frequency of sexual intercourse interacts with gender to increase mortality.”

Scientists note that there is growing interest in understanding how sexual health impacts overall health. Sexuality can be considered “a dynamic outcome of physical ability, motivation, attitudes, partner availability, and sexual behavior.” It is important to understand because sex can bring many benefits, including increased happiness, well-being, and quality of life, across all sexual orientations.

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