September 7, 2024

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Will Trump Return? What awaits America and the world after the election

So who is he, this Mr. Trump, what are his goals, meanings and intentions that are hidden from the majority?

Trump's first presidential term probably can't be called successful. But it's also impossible not to notice that he had a strategy for solving the problems in his country. His slogan is make america great again – is known to the whole world. But he did not describe the tactics of action and did not name the price that would have to be paid. And one more small detail: he did not say who and how much would pay. In his first term, Trump acted more like a businessman than a politician. It didn't work. Political sharks turned out to be very voracious.

What will happen now?

1. The main thesis that sounds from everyone is – “Trump will come and restore order.” Why exactly does everyone need order now? The most important thing is that Trump said he would end the war in Ukraine in one day, even before taking office. Why is this important to the average person? First of all, these are people's lives, and secondly, these are bills that need to be paid. And in the economy, everything is not great, to put it mildly. Grandpa Biden can't handle it…

Compared to the tumbler Biden, who was mercilessly exploited even in his own family, Trump is different: his family is his fortress. They are behind him, and he is full of strength and ready to fight. Trump preaches family and its usual values. And the voter likes it. A striking example: Microsoft and John Deere – two global giants – announced the closure of divisions created for so-called minorities.

2. Jobs and new factories.

Biden's declared plans to build new factories have remained just plans. Not a single one has been built in 4 years (even the one with microchips). Trump, as a businessman, has singled out the main things that he will decide. And the rest of the little things that the team will do. And judging by the vice president, now he will have a team. His team. For the next 30 years.

3. Who is America's greater enemy – China or Russia? Who should be dealt with first? China's main problem is Taiwan. China has wanted to reunite with Taiwan for a long time. It could even do so militarily, but it is afraid of sanctions.

Trump's plan: to speed up the transfer of microchip production from Taiwan to America. Having resolved the microchip issue, Trump will have a powerful lever for bargaining with China. America will not be against China annexing Taiwan (no one will ask them for that), but in exchange for economic concessions, for example, they will allow trade in consumer goods, and take away everything more or less technological.

At the same time, there is no need to fight at all. It is expensive to fight, and most importantly, there is nothing to fight with, there are no physical shells, since there are no (or almost no) factories producing them. And for the current war, people are collecting all over the world. China gets two big problems: economic losses and an island that is not eager to become part of China. China's competitiveness is undermined and for a long time.

Russia is China's partner. Therefore, in order to weaken China, it is necessary to strike at Russia, wherever and whenever possible. Who's hot? Trump is hot!

Go ahead. What is global finance: BEFORE it was the capital of the real sector and financial speculators. Now a new group has emerged – digital capital has spun off from financial speculators. And what is digital capital? It is everything related to the Internet, digital technologies (including the crypto market and cryptocurrencies).

JD Vance represents the union of the real sector with the digital one. Their interests coincide. Trump is already an old man, albeit a very vigorous grandfather. But his future vice-premier is a very young and energetic representative of the new generation of Republicans. They will come with Trump and will stay after Trump for about 30 years.

Author's opinion: All this can only happen if Trump wins the election. Everything seemed to be going in his favor (even the assassination attempt played into his favor). But let's not forget about the Democrats: No sooner had old Joe announced that he was dropping out than Kamala Harris burst into rainbow colors. The same one that no one took seriously for four years.

Poor Biden was running around the country, raising money for the election campaign. You could say he lived on planes. And then we wake up in the morning and find out that nothing has been formalized yet, and the potential presidential candidate already has more than 50 million in the election fund in the first day.

And also, how overnight, along with the money, poll data on Kamala Harris's presidency appeared. It is unclear when people had time to digest the new information, process it and form a new opinion. And all this overnight. The work on creating a NEW image is in full swing like never before.

Draw your own conclusions.

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