September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Parents of three children will be classified as having many children. What privileges will they receive?

The privileges enjoyed by families with many children are being extended to those with three children, thanks to a package of measures that Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis plans to announce as part of a national action plan to address the demographic problem.

Thus 200 thousand families with three children are going to permanently move into the category of large families, receiving the corresponding benefits.

Equalizing three-child families with large families will be among the measures included in the National Demographic Plan, which the Prime Minister will announce at the TIF.

So with By 2025, the possibility of changing the definition of a large family is being worked out, and from four children currently included in it, it will be changed to three.

We remind you that large families, in addition to the increased financial assistance they receive every month (depending on income criteria), enjoy privileges when taking state exams, transferring students and being appointed to positions in state institutions (Pανελλαδικές Εξετάσεις, τις μετεγγραφές φοιτητών και τους διορισμούς στο Δημόσιο). Also benefits are provided for freelancers with many children.

Benefits for families with many children:

  • Increasing the number of points in national examinations, student transfers and appointments to the civil service.
  • Reduction of the presumption (τεκμήριο) by 50% for freelancers with many children.
  • Tariffs for electricity and water supply have been reduced.
  • Discount on car purchase.
  • Luxury Living Tax Exemption for Six-Seater Cars.
  • Issuance of a taxi license.
  • Discounts on utility bills.
  • Financial support from municipalities for the birth of a third and fourth child.
  • Protection from dismissal.
  • Reducing legal costs.
  • Discount tickets for public transport and ferries (subject to certain conditions).
  • Discount ticket for football matches
  • Free entrance to museums, theaters (depending on circumstances).
  • Lifelong maintenance of the status of having many children.
  • A lifetime pension equal to the pension of a mother with many children.
  • Store coupons.
  • Admission to military police schools is carried out at a rate of 10%.
  • Free births in maternity hospitals, etc.

It is indicated that in 1944, families with five children were considered large families, and in 1979, changes were made to the law, recognizing families with four children as large families.

Latest Census Proves Greece's Population Is Slowly Dying Outand changes are taking place in its social structure, dragging along other indicators of development and progress. According to the latest research by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat), in 2022 the birth rate in our country was 9425 less than in 2021. To be more precise, in 2021, 85346 children were born in Greece, while in 2022 only 75921, i.e. 11.04% less.

Regarding the birth rate registered in the various regions of Greece, the negative record with the lowest percentage of births between two years is held by the North Aegean region (-21.57%), Western Macedonia (-14.8%) and the Aegean Islands (-13.4%). Also in Epirus, the birth rate during the year decreased by 11.9%, as 1966 children were born in 2022, and 2232 in 2021.

It is expected that the birth rate in the next 26 years (2024-2049), unless an extremely favorable environment for families and children is created, will not significantly affect the unfavorable scenario: 1.9 million (2.64 million for the period 1994-2019).

Finally, it is noted that, according to Eurostat, Our country provides the lowest family benefits in the European Union after Bulgaria. In 2021, the average Family allowance in Greece amounted to 243 euros per capita compared to 777 euros in EU. The corresponding benefit was lower in Bulgaria (161 euros), while in Romania it was slightly higher (244 euros). In total, the amount allocated from the Greek budget in 2021 for family benefits amounted to €2.57 billion, compared to €347 billion for the EU as a whole.

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