September 8, 2024

Athens News

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Politico: as "punishments" Orban EU discusses boycott of summit in Hungary

The European Union may ignore the summit of foreign ministers in Budapest in response to Hungary's uncoordinated foreign policy activities.

Ministers of Foreign Affairs EU may organize their own summit instead, on the same dates, writes Politico. According to the publication, Hungary, which holds the rotating presidency of the EU Council, plans to hold summit in Budapest on August 28-29It is seen as a golden opportunity for the country's Prime Minister Viktor Orban to try to shape the bloc's foreign policy agenda and for its Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto to take centre stage.

However after the Hungarian prime minister blocked aid to Ukraine and made “peace visits” to Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinpingwithout coordinating them with the 26 other EU leaders, many foreign ministers were looking for a way to avoid being “props” in what they believed could become another “Orban propaganda show”.

According to three EU diplomats, the publication writes, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell will convene ministers for a “formal” foreign ministers' council at the same time as Orban's summit. One of the diplomats notes:

“If the official council of foreign ministers, organised by the High Representative, takes place on the same day, the ministers will not be able to travel to Budapest.”

Another interlocutor added that by boycotting the meeting in Budapest, others Foreign ministers want to “send a clear signal that Hungary does not speak on behalf of the EU“.

One diplomat joked that “very unfortunately” their country would not be able to attend Orban's event if Borrell were to host the meeting, a plan that is reportedly already was informally discussed with several EU countriesin particular with France and Germany. It is planned that On Wednesday, Borrell's team will present it to the EU's 27 permanent representatives.

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