September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"Sunset" Mykonos: By order of Mitsotakis, the island has been declared "danger zone"

Mykonos is in the midst of a total tourism “fiasco” under the administration of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. The island's tourism industry has lost 50% of its tourists in 2023 compared to 2022, as the island is now labeled a “danger zone”

What is a “dangerous area”? This means that there is a dangerous situation here, which means that it is a dangerous place for tourists and all that this means for the economy of the island.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis (or rather the mafia-oligarchic structures behind him) has long had its eye on Mykonos and already began the relevant procedures last year. Mykonos is one of the islands that Mitsotakis does not like, and it is no coincidence that Mykonos is the only island that was placed under full quarantine in 2021, as the Mykonians were believed to have “escaped” from the orders of the then medical priesthood.

It is worth noting that the lawlessness in Mykonos is caused by the authorities themselves, and those who were killed and had run-ins with the law are also known for their connections to the prime minister's office building. No one can work on the island unless they are protected “from above”…

The fact that the chief of police in Mykonos changes every year is not a positive thing, because in order to do the work, someone needs to go and work there on a long-term basisIt seems like they are considered “candidates for corruption”.

Following the cold-blooded execution of 54-year-old surveyor Panagiotis Stathis in Psychiko, a prosecutorial investigation is underway into the so-called “construction mafia” in Mykonos at the request of Supreme Court prosecutor Georgia Adilini. She sent the following order on Wednesday morning to the Deputy Prosecutor of the Athens Court of Appeals, the Head of the Attica Security Directorate for the Prosecution of Organized Crime and the Chairman of the Coordination Council for Analysis and Investigation of the Ministry of Citizen Protection in connection with the recent murder of land surveyor Panagiotis Stathis:

“To the Deputy Prosecutor of the Athens Court of Appeal, To the Security Directorate of the Attica Police Department, responsible for the prosecution of organized crime, and to the Chairman of the Coordination Council for Analysis and Investigation of the Ministry of Citizen Protection.

The recent murder of P.S., a surveyor, in Psychiko has highlighted the urgent need to combat serious crime, which the press calls the “Mykonian mafia”, by activating and using the appropriate mechanisms at the disposal of the State.

From the press reports attached to this document, as well as from the report of a resident of Mykonos dated 8/7/2024, which is attached and received by the Cybercrime Department, presented to us on 9/7/2024 by the Attica Security Department, it follows that it is imperative to investigate the commission of serious crimes that probably constitute organized crime, as well as related criminal acts (creation, management, etc. of a criminal organization, extortion related to construction activities, sales of real estate and “protection” (protection) of business, murder, causing serious bodily harm, laundering money from criminal activity, serious crimes in relation to urban planning legislation, legislation on the protection of historical monuments, the environment, drug trafficking, forgery of documents, etc.).

The above-mentioned criminal activity is not limited to the island of Mykonos, but appears to be spreading to other islands of the Cyclades archipelago, and even to Athens and Thessaloniki. In view of the above, we ask you to take legal action, including activating your independently recognized right to a preliminary examination or preliminary investigation (Article 4(3) Law 2265/1994 as amended), in cooperation with the Attica Security Directorate, which is already under investigation, as well as using all your procedural possibilities (lifting telephone confidentiality, conducting investigations, special interrogation acts, etc.), in order to combat the above-mentioned criminal activity and restore the rule of law. Finally, we ask you to keep the competent Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Court informed about the progress of your investigation.

Prosecutor of the Supreme Court Georgy Eft. “Adilini”.

And all this despite the fact that a collapse has been recorded for the second year in a row tourist arrivals to the islands – flagships of Greek tourism, Mykonos and Santorini, with a reduction in arrivals of even 40%, while approximately the same picture is recorded on the islands of the Eastern Aegean, Peloponnese, Dodecanese and Chalkidiki, only here arrivals start with “black porridge” for many years. For example, Samos, Chios and Lesbos fell by 23%, while Kalamata, whose airport is the main source of tourism in the Peloponnese, fell by 33.7%.

Athens is seeing an increase in arrivals, but these are “old tourists” who do not spend (in fact, they have nothing to spend) and most of them resort to the short-term rental solution, i.e. Airbnb.

In terms of arrivals, the best performing are the Ionian Islands, which were “stuck” last year, and Crete, as well as Thessaloniki, which are collecting the first known “money” of the working class of Great Britain and Germany, working on an all-inclusive system, with zero consumption, and Thessaloniki – the ruined “Balkan tourism”.

Where did all those who left the Greek resorts go? Left for Spain and… Turkey, which has significantly improved its tourism services over the past five years and will welcome more than 40 million tourists this year!

The bad thing is that tourism is Greece's main “untapped resource” and its main resource in general. The tourism boom that followed the memorandum, largely due to the tourist flow sent by lenders in order to “hit the jackpot”, ended ingloriously in 2020, the first year of Covid, and every year since then, incoming revenues have been negative.

And while in Greece we… declared war on Russia, in neighboring Turkey, which sells hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons to Ukrainians to kill Russians, 9 million Russian tourists will come this year!

It seems that after the war declared on Russia, the war on crime will now go into hibernation…

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