September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Orban to fly from NATO summit to Donald Trump's residence

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has visited Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing in recent days, meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

Orban is currently at the NATO summit in Washington, after which, as Bloomberg and the Guardian write, he will go to Trump's residence in Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

As journalists write, the head of the Hungarian government, apparently, deliberately avoided a personal one-on-one meeting with US President Joe Biden during the summit.

Orban's meeting with Trump will likely focus on the Hungarian prime minister's attempts to “negotiate a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia without consulting other countries” EU or the Biden government.”

Hungary has held the rotating presidency of the EU Council since July 1. Since then, Orban has acted like a global politician, but EU authorities stress that he is acting only on his own behalf. In an interview with BILD, Orban said he would like to see Trump back in the White House.

“He is a businessman, he is a self-made man, he has a different approach to everything. And I think that is good for world politics,” the head of the Hungarian government said.

He stressed that during his presidency Trump “has not started a single war and has done a lot to establish peace in old conflicts in very difficult regions.”

According to Bloomberg, Ukraine is considering new peace talks, including meetings with Russian officials and meetings between Trump and Orban at Mar-a-Lago.

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