September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Chania: Hospital announces shutdown on Wednesday after doctor threatened

A relative of a patient at Chania Hospital threatened a doctor. The staff was outraged and declared Wednesday, July 10, a non-working day, considering such behavior unacceptable.

The protest action was announced by the Chania General Hospital Workers Association and ΕΓΕΣΥΧ Γ.Ν.Χ from 12:00 to 13:00 in the courtyard of the emergency department. The reason was the behavior of a patient’s relative, who verbally attacked and threatened the physical integrity of a specialist doctor on duty in the hospital’s emergency department. Vardis Georgioskas, president of the hospital workers’ association, said:

“We declare that we are against any form of violence against the employees of Chania Hospital and all incidents will be reported to the competent authorities.”

As Giorgos Beas, administrator of Chania Hospital, explained, the case concerns a relative of an elderly patient:

“As a hospital administration, we are against any form of violence and let me remind you that the new legislation is strict regarding the safe operation of all health structures and health workers.”

The Chania Hospital Workers Association also raised another major issue – the situation in the diagnostic radiology department, which, according to the association's president, is in a state of “sudden death” due to a lack of staff:

“We demand that the radiology department be fully staffed with new permanent medical personnel and that the teaching staff be immediately expanded to cover all vacancies that will be created starting in August. We will not allow the remaining doctors to be overburdened with all the consequences that this would have on their physical and mental health. We require immediate assistance for all those involved in the smooth operation of this vital part of our hospital.”

Giorgos Beas, administrator of the Chania Prefecture Nursing Institution, said, quotes

“In recent years, the management has signed an agreement to appoint three new permanent radiologists and one assistant. Of these, two women have resigned for personal reasons that have nothing to do with the National Health Service or the hospital. The management is concerned not only with staffing the department, but also with filling vacant positions with the next advertisement, so that our hospital has the maximum possible number of radiologists and other specialties.”

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