September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Serious fire on the outskirts of Patras near a nursing home – evacuation announced (photos and video)

A major fire broke out in Patras at midday on Tuesday (9/07) in the area of ​​a nursing home. The fire broke out at a construction site on Errikos Dounan Street and reached threatening proportions.

According to the press secretary of the fire service, Vassilis Vatrakogiannis, The fire was contained shortly after 3:00 p.m., and 4 aircraft and 6 helicopters are working in the area.. Nand 65 firefighters in 18 vehicles and 3 teams of firefighters on foot were dispatched to the scene.

According to the information, it was given away Evacuation order for the MERIMNA Foundation and the Konstantopouleo Nursing Home. At the same time, on the recommendation of the fire service, the Karamandanyo Children's Hospital was evacuated.

According to PODEDN President Michalis Giannakos, 8 children who were housed in an empty chemotherapy unit have been transferred to Agios Andreas Hospital, while elderly people from Konstantopouleo will be transferred to the same hospital.

Shortly after 15:00, the mobile phones of citizens in the areas of Aroi and Pagona again received a “112” signal asking them to retreat to Patras: “If you are in the Aroi and Pagona areas of Patras, please move towards Patras‼️ Follow the instructions of the authorities,” – said the message “112”.

The fire broke out in a densely populated area and quickly spread, with flames moving towards the MERIMNA foundation, from where an evacuation order was given.

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