July 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Metro to reach OPAP Arena and Petroupoli: where will the stations be located

The Athens metro will reach the western suburbs of Athens in a few years, by extending Line 2 (Red) to Ilion. Contractors have expressed interest in implementing the extension project.

In the future, the metro may reportedly also pass through another part of Western Athens, given that an extension of the currently under construction Line 4 from Alsos Veikou station to the municipality of Petroupoli, which will pass through Nea Ionia and New Philadelphia, is being studied.

The extension of the metro line will also benefit AEK fans, who will have easy access to the club's new stadium. Specific extensions include 6 new stations that will serve the N. Ionia, N. Philadelphia, Ag. areas. Anargyros, Ilion and Petroupolis (Northern Greece, ….


For the convenience of the Athenian team's fans, the original design of the metro line has been changed. In particular, it was planned to build a station next to the ISAP station of the same name in Perisos, and then in Nea Philadelphia, at the intersection of Dekelias and Vrioulon Avenues.

However, since the end of 2020, it has become clear that there are important reasons for choosing an alternative layout for the project, with a station next to the station of the same name in Pefkakia instead of Perisos, and then in N. Philadelphia (in the public park next to the station and the Asia Minor Memorial Park), at a distance of about 150 m from the OPAP Arena.

Construction of the specific section (Alsos Veiku-Petropoli) is not expected to start immediately and is therefore unlikely to be completed before the middle of the next decade.


Today, interest is focused on the implementation of the first section of Line 4 (Alsos Veikou – Goudi), 13 km long and with a total of 15 stations: Alsos Veikou, Galatsi, Helikonos, Kipseli, Dikastiria, Alexandras, Exarchia, Academy, University, Kolonaki, Evangelismos, Kaisariani, Panestimioupolis, Ilisia, Zografou, Goudi.

It is designed to serve many densely populated areas of the city, as well as many important buildings and facilities such as hospitals, educational institutions, courts, large public buildings of organizations and ministries.

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