July 3, 2024

Athens News

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USA: after the debate voters "remained unconvinced"

The opinion of voters on the eve of the US presidential election has hardly changed after the debates between the contenders for this post – Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

This is evidenced by the results of the joint survey Ipsos and the 538 polling website found Trump to be the clear winner of the debate: 60% said Trump did better, 21% said Biden did better, and 19% were undecided.

However, after the respondents’ answers to the question which candidates they are considering voting for, it turned out that voters practically did not change their decisions:

  1. Biden lost only a small share of potential voters. After the debate 46.7% said they were considering voting for him, down 1.6 percentage points from before the debate.
  2. Trump's support has barely budged: While Biden performed poorly on Thursday night, voters weren't particularly impressed with Trump's performance either. The share of likely voters who said they would vote for Trump after the debate rose from 43.5% to just 43.9%.

Before the debate, potential voters were asked which issues would have the greatest impact on how they vote this fall. The most common answer was inflation or rising coststhen followed immigration and political extremism or polarization.

As before the debate, respondents believe that Trump will do a better job on two major issues: inflation or rising costs and immigration. However, according to voters, Biden will do better on political extremism or polarization, as well as the next most important issue on the list, abortion.

The survey was conducted in two stages – before and after the debate. The second wave was conducted late on June 27 and early on June 28 among the 2,543 likely voters who had previously responded to the first wave. The poll has a margin of error of 2.1 percentage points.

Of the respondents surveyed, 1,700 watched the debate in whole or in part. The poll's margin of error for those who watched the debate is 2.5 percentage points.

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