July 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Unstable weather this week – hot spells followed by storms and cooler temperatures, then warmer again

From today, Monday, July 1, the weather is preparing to bring “surprises”. First, the thermometers will confidently reach the 40°C mark, and then storms will sharply lower it by 10 degrees.

Meteorologist Giorgos Tsatrafilias warns of unstable weather and storms that will “hit” several regions of the countryHe notes that after 40°C on Monday and Tuesday, temperatures will drop significantly. His message reads:

“The invasion of heat, and then storms and storms… In the new week, the weather will present three faces:

  1. On Monday and Tuesday: temperature increase to 37-39°C (possibly 40°C locally) in Thessaly, Boeotia, Phthiotis, Evia, Aetoloakarnania, Laconia, Messinia, Corinth, Argolis, southern Crete. In Attica 35-37°C, in Thessaloniki 32-34°C.
  2. On Wednesday and Thursday: temperature difference 8-10 degrees. Potentially dangerous thunderstorms and squalls with widespread lightning in continental areas.
  3. Friday to Sunday: Moderate temperatures, sunny, winds up to 7 on the Beaufort scale.

Have a good Sunday!”.

Meteorologist warnsthat since yesterday evening the wind has died down and calls for caution – Today hydrometeorological conditions are unfavorable.

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