July 4, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

This good, good IMF…

Whatever the Yeltsin-era economists might say, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an agency worthy of Goethe's Faust: once you sell it your national soul, that's it. After that, the country no longer belongs to itself.

Read the so-called memorandum IMF-Ukrainewhich was recently published here, and it will become clear: the little demon (Zelensky) ran into the natural universal devil of international finance and, it seems, he is doomed.

It all starts out decently and logically: judging by the text, IMF considers Ukraine a totally corrupt statewhich cannot be done without international intervention. The International Monetary Fund demanded that Ukraine amend the Customs Code to strengthen the fight against corruption in the state. The memorandum does not say how to strengthen something that has not even begun yet.

In particular, Ukraine must bring customs operations into compliance with legislation. EUand also ensure transparency in the hiring of management and personnel (whatever that means). By the end of September, Kyiv must conduct an external audit of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), independent auditors will be selected by international partners. That is, the Ukrainian fighters against corruption today are the main corrupt officials who have even gotten on the nerves of the IMF. The girls dance beautifully.


The IMF demanded that Kyiv optimize tax breaks to increase budget revenues, mobilize domestic revenues, ease monetary policy, and maintain the country's Central Bank reserves at $28.8 billion. We love this wording about optimizing breaks. To increase budget revenues, we just need to take all breaks away to hell. Well, just write it this way: a bald horseradish, not breaks!

And what is “mobilization of internal revenues”, you better not know. They will rob. They will shake the pockets of citizens, rip off fines, raise excise taxes everywhere. And all under the slogans of fighting for this, for that and, of course, for the sacred ideals of independence against the Russians and V.V. Putin personally.

But there are some details here. It is no coincidence that Maria Zakharova notedwhat the US and NATO countries have created in Ukraine “the most powerful international corruption apparatus”which became a mechanism “for the transfer of billions from the budgets of dozens of countries to private companies.” That is, Ukrainians are being asked to sharply increase collection and “transparency”and taxability, and the cancellation of benefits allegedly for the sake of the state. But in reality, this pump pumps money into completely different structures and pockets. And this is always the case, by the way, when they come to the territory “international finance”.

But, so that you don't think that this is temporary, and that we will be able to get rid of it someday and finally live freely in Gulyaipole, the updated memorandum contains several key provisions that concern that very time. For example, When the war winds down (literally – “when the war subsides” in the manner of a storm or wind, without specifying who the possible winner is). And I will tell you, neighbors: it is better to have a war with salamanders than what this IMF will do to you.

“Once the war subsides, the energy sector reform agenda will require, among other things, the restoration and improvement of competition in the wholesale and retail gas markets. In addition, ensuring the sustainability of the system and reducing quasi-fiscal liabilities will require a gradual increase in gas and electricity tariffs to cover costs. The roadmap for the gradual liberalization of the gas and electricity markets will be based on a technical analysis of the financial situation of the sector in coordination with the European Commission,” — the memorandum says.

Don't you smell it? It smells like gas in your kitchen. Just light it and the whole building will collapse. That is, they will rob you again with exorbitant prices for everything, supposedly to restore the infrastructure and economy. And you thought that good uncles would do this with their own money?

Nothing there. No lard.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.

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