July 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Teen brutally beaten by father and uncle after coming out as gay

A 15-year-old boy was brutally beaten after telling his father he was gay. The boy was found with his face smashed and bleeding in a village square near Patras, western Greece, a few days ago.

An episode of domestic violence occurred in a small village. According to pelop.gr, it all started when a boy told his father that he was homosexual. His father and uncle were furious at the revelation and began to beat the boy severely as punishment. With his face smashed until it bled, he ran away from home and went to the village square, where he was spotted by locals, who called the police and an ambulance, and informed the child protection organization “Smile of a Child”.

The teenager was taken to Caramandaño Hospital in serious condition, where he is still being treated and is out of danger. His mother, who separated from her husband, is with the teenager.

The father is currently in court over a lawsuit filed by his son. He also filed a complaint against the minor, claiming he beat him because he attacked him first.

The Smile of a Child reported that a complaint will be filed with the Patras prosecutor's office to sort out the incident.

It is worth considering the fact that if in cities the population is quite tolerant towards LGBT, then in villages, especially in Crete or in the mountainous part of the Peloponnese, this is treated quite negatively. The reason for the declared “homosexuality” of the teenager is also unknown. Given the father's propensity for violence, it is possible that the teenager did it out of spite.

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