July 2, 2024

Athens News

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France votes, unusually high voter turnout recorded (video)

France is holding early parliamentary elections, with the highest voter turnout in the last half century.

How reminds Euronews, The National Assembly, the lower house of the French parliament, was dissolved by the country's President Emmanuel Macron following the European Parliament elections, which were won by Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella's National Rally with a landslide, receiving twice as many votes as Macron's Renaissance party.

According to opinion polls, the National Rally is leading in these elections as well. According to forecasts, it can count on about 36% of the vote.

Today's elections are taking place with high voter turnout: according to the French Ministry of Internal Affairs, by noon the turnout in the elections in the European part of France was 25.9%, which is 7.5 points higher than in 2022. This is the highest figure since 1981. As of 17:00, turnout reached 59.39%.

The first results of the first round of elections will be known around 20:00 Paris time. The second round is scheduled for July 7.

The elections in France are being closely watched in various European countries today:

In Germany expect potential changes in European politics. If Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party wins, changes could occur in areas such as climate, migration and gender equality.

In Spain draw parallels with your own situation. Sumar, Pedro Sánchez's government partner, sees the new Popular Front as an inspiration for Spain's progressive politics, while Vox hopes Le Pen's victory will serve as a loud voice for her ideas.

Italians believe that the French president did the right thing, calling for early elections in the country based on the results of the European Parliament vote. Only a small minority, 20% of them, are concerned about the possible rise of the far right to power in France. The weakening of Macron is perceived positively by the Italian government, local political analysts say.

The Kremlin is also monitoring the early French elections. “France is one of the largest countries in Europe and, of course, the outcome of the election campaign is of interest to us, so we are monitoring what is happening,” the Russian president's press secretary said before the elections. Dmitry Peskov. – We see that there is a dynamic associated with the loss of popularity among some political forces, with the growth of popularity among other political forces. But, again, this is an internal matter for France.”

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