July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

EuroPride parade took place in Thessaloniki

On June 29, police detained 29 people as part of the EuroPride 2024 parade in Thessaloniki, but did not arrest them because no incriminating evidence was found against them.

It is noted that yesterday, According to the decision of the Greek police, protests were banned against EuroPride. The EuroPride 2024 procession reportedly ended with a big concert at the statue of Alexander the Great. Thousands of people from the LGBTQI+ community and beyond, holding a large banner in rainbow colors, shouting slogans for support for LGBTQI+, made a dynamic march in the center of Thessaloniki.

Among the demonstrators and behind banners reading “Diplomats for Pride” were George Tsunis, US Ambassador to Greece, Alexis Patelis, economic adviser to the Greek Prime Minister, and Albert Bourla, head of Pfizer. In statements earlier, Mr Tsounis said he was “proud to be in Thessaloniki for EuroPride” as it is about human dignity, acceptance, love and equality and we should accept people for who they are.

The diplomatic block of the parade also included the Ambassador of the Netherlands to our country, Suzanne Terstal, who said that she was happy with the law on marriage for same-sex couples adopted in Greece, noting that it was the first Orthodox country to do so.

Also present at Europride was the president of “Πλεύσης Ελευθερίας” Zoia Konstantopoulou, who expressed her absolute support for “this celebration of love” and stressed that “Πλεύσης Ελευθερίας” stands for equal rights for all people, without any differences or restrictions.

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