July 1, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece: First same-sex couple adoption application filed

A few days ago, a same-sex couple filed an application to adopt a child. According to Star Channel, the application was filed with the Court of First Instance of the island of Syros on June 14 of this year.

As the channel emphasizes, this is the first couple to file a corresponding application since the adoption of the law on same-sex couplesx. It should be emphasized that adoption concerns three children that the couple already hasThey filed two applications, where the husband asks to adopt his wife's two children, and the husband asks to adopt his husband's one child.

Raising children for same-sex couplesas well as the possibility of allowing such couples adoption of children or obtaining the right to use the services of artificial insemination and surrogacy is the subject of scientific and public debate. There are various studies that both opponents and supporters of parental rights appeal to.

Both are trying to find errors and inaccuracies in the research of their opponents. Thus, in some scientific publications there is an opinion about no significant negative differences between children adopted by opposite-sex and same-sex couples. While other scientific studies demonstrate that children growing up in same-sex families in most cases are prone to certain types of strong psychological problems, as well as problems with adaptation in society and a strong impact on their future sexual orientation.

Let us remind you that Greece has passed a law that legalizes same-sex marriage and the adoption of children by same-sex couples. A historic event for the LGBT+ community took place on February 15, 2024. The legislation was passed in parliament by a majority vote. This was a significant event because Greece has become the first Orthodox country to legalize same-sex marriage and adoption of children by same-sex couples.

However, despite this progress, the law does not grant same-sex couples the right to parenthood through surrogacy in Greece. It is only available to women who are unable to have children for health reasons. It is also worth noting that the law there are no provisions regarding transgender peoplewhich drew criticism from human rights groups.

Despite strong resistance from the Orthodox Church and mass protests, the law was approvedand is considered a significant step forward in the field of human rights, and reflects modern Greece as a progressive and democratic country.

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