July 1, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Georgia's Path to the European Union "de facto suspended" (video)

Candidate country status for membership EU Georgia received it in December 2023. However, after the well-known events in the country, the process of its accession to the European Union has been suspended.

How tells Euronews, The European Council calls on the Georgian authorities to reverse the current course of action, since the adopted law “on foreign agents” contradicts EU recommendations for candidates. This is stated in the statement of the European Council following the meeting in Brussels on June 27:

“The European Council expresses its serious concern about recent developments in Georgia. In particular, the adopted law on transparency of foreign influence represents a departure from the steps set out in the Commission's recommendation on granting candidate status.

The European Council calls on the Georgian authorities to clarify their intentions and reverse the current course of action, which jeopardizes Georgia's path to the EU, bringing the accession process to a de facto halt.

The European Council calls for an end to the increasing acts of intimidation, threats and physical attacks against civil society representatives, political leaders, civic activists and journalists in Georgia. The European Council recalls that respect for the values ​​and principles on which the European Union is founded is a must for any country seeking to become a member.

The European Council calls on the Georgian authorities to ensure that parliamentary elections this autumn are free and fair and calls for substantial long-term and short-term election observation by partners. The Council will continue to monitor the situation closely.

The European Council reaffirms its unwavering support for the territorial integrity of Georgia. “He reaffirms his unwavering solidarity with the Georgian people and his commitment to continue supporting Georgians on their path to a European future.”

In December, our publication told how Georgia celebrates and rejoices after being awarded candidate status to join the EU, and in May – about what do they think about the Law on Foreign Agents, its supporters and opponents in the country.

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