July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

An exhibition about the war in Ukraine with a balalaika, samovar, and vodka opened in Berlin

If you think that traditional Western memes about Russians with balalaikas, samovars and a bottle of vodka are a thing of the past, you are mistaken.

After the Kyiv Maidan and the beginning of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the narratives of the First World War, seemingly long gone, returned. And traditionally, the Germans have succeeded in this matter…

Since 2014 in the former Nazi bunker There is a museum on Schönebergerstrasse Berlin Story BunkerThere are permanent exhibitions about the times of Hitler and about post-war Germany. Recently a new exhibition for Germans opened there. “Know your enemy” about the war in Ukraine.


The museum's 41-year-old director, Enno Lenze (pictured), personally visited the war-torn country to collect artefacts, some of them were provided by the Ukrainian authorities, Bild reports. One of them is the warhead of the Russian X-101 missile, which is being exhibited abroad for the first time. Another stand displays the onboard computer of a Russian drone with Western chips installed in circumvention of sanctions. But the main exhibits of the museum are a balalaika, a samovar and a bottle of vodka. According to the host, they were abandoned by Russian soldiers during their retreat…

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