June 29, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukraine-Russia prisoner exchange: 27% of Ukrainians chose to stay in Russia

Today, another prisoner exchange took place between Ukraine and Russia. 90 soldiers from each side took part in it. The Ukrainian side could have received 124, but 34 of them refused to leave Russia.

Why? Apparently because they are afraid of being sent back to the front line…


“Where to return, we will be drafted into the army again to go into the trenches.” Of the 124 prisoners of war scheduled for exchange, 90 were returned to Ukraine. another 34 refused to leave the Russian Federation and chose to stay rather than return.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced a new prisoner exchange with Ukraine, during which each side sent 90 soldiers for the exchange. At the same time, the Russian Ministry of Defense publishes videos of Russians returning to their homeland.

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