June 30, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

French soldiers in Ukraine put a mask on a pig with a photo… Macron

French soldiers in Ukraine decorated a pig with a mask with a photo of Emmanuel Macron and expressed what they thought about the French president.

Support for the French president is falling at a record rate a week before the election. French soldiers stationed in Ukraine also do not seem to be happy with their president.

The video shows one of the French soldiers addressing his complaints to a pig wearing a mask of the French President: “Macron, President, because of you the French cannot make ends meet… my mother has huge electricity bills” and “Because of you we are dying here in Ukraine… You don’t care about the lives of the French, you are replacing us immigrants…”

On June 20, the French Prime Minister announced a possible suspension of aid to Ukraine if far-right parties win the elections in France.

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