September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Chrysochoidis: 61 people arrested for domestic violence last night alone

Citizen Protection Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis made a strong statement regarding domestic violence. According to him, in one night, as of Monday (24.6.2024), 61 arrests were made for domestic violence, half of them in Attica…

The minister spoke on the ERT channel about cases of domestic violence, saying thatOver the past few weeks, 550 cases have been reported, resulting in 350 arrests.

He said that in police stations there are 63 departments to combat domestic violence, almost one per district. In addition, in each prefecture there is a shelter, the address of which is known only to the police. Moreover, both children and elderly people will be able to set up on their phone panic button.

Regarding the issue of the islands, whose population increases in the summer, he said that law enforcement forces are being strengthened. For example, in Mykonos, where there are 50 permanent police officers, the number has increased to 120. Chrysochoidis also announced the hiring of 300 special security guards and the reorganization of the police force to make it more responsive.

The minister also touched upon the topic violence against minors and emphasized that over the past five months, the number of incidents has decreased by 20% after targeted inspectionscarried out mainly by female police officers and patrols with civilians. Guilty parents arrested. According to him, “things are going well,” but additional measures are needed, including against bullying in schools. “We are making good progress, but I am still very concerned,” the minister said. Mr. Chrysochoidis explained the phenomenon of violence among minors as manifestations of their daily life, once again mentioning the responsibilities of parents.

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