July 6, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

What is the NEET generation

Youth unemployment is rising at record levels around the world. As Business Insider suggests, this may be due to the spread of NEET culture.

It stands for “Not in Education, Employment or Training” (does not study, does not work, does not undergo training). The main motto of such people is It's better to do nothing than to be unhappy at work.

“Economic uncertainty and rising costs have forced many young people to rethink their career path… They are choosing to wait it out and sit back until they find the right job.”says the article.

At the same time, youth unemployment around the world is rising to levels not seen in decades. About a fifth of people aged 15 to 24 worldwide were considered NEET in 2023, according to the International Labor Organisation.

NEET is attended by people who have the opportunity not to work – their own home or savings. At the same time, those who consciously consider themselves “voluntarily dormant” say that they are ready to work, but only in a company that will correspond to their ethical values.

Some representatives of this subculture say that they practically “do nothing all day” in addition to working on yourself through yoga, hobbies, creative projects and meetings with friends. They don't go to work because “they don’t want to be puppets who carry out other people’s decisions.” NEET is believed to involve one third of Americans aged 18 to 24 who do not have any regular income.

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