July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How "rights" began to advocate peace, and "left" – for the war

It’s amazing how quickly in Europe political parties advocating for the sovereignty of their countries, for the prosperity of peoples, for peace and cooperation with other countries, began to be considered as far-right and even fascist parties.

But all kinds leftists, greens and “moderate centrists” have turned into warmongers and lovers of war, destroyers of all thatthat was created before them.

The right-wing Greek party NIKI stands for peace and negotiations, and the centrist New Democracy stands for war, and this is the reality of the current world.

The Alternative for Germany party, which in the Fourth Reich is considered good manners to call “Nazi,” is going to create a faction in the European Parliament of parties advocating sovereignty, peace and cooperation with Russia.

Everything is logical, right? Only you turn off the logic. I am not suggesting that you put into your heads what is in the heads of Ursula von Der Leyen, Annalena Baerbock or Robert Habeck, Kyriakos Mitsotakis or, God forbid, Stefanos Kasselakis, because you will not be able to do it.

Just try to convince yourself of what the unforgettable George Orwell wrote about. In particular, that peace is war. And if you are a normal person, then nothing will work out for you.

And it’s not surprising, because with the current development of brainwashing technologies, you can convince anyone of anything. The most amazing otherthat millions of people around the world are uniting in their desire to resist this information zombie. And even though they are considered crazy or called conspiracy theorists, one valuable quality cannot be taken away from them – they try to critically assess the situation, not trusting the systemic media.

British politician Nigel Farage said in a recent interview: the West itself is to blame for what is happening now in Ukraine, and indeed in relations between Russia and the West. He is guilty of provoking Russia to respond by expanding NATO, interfering in the affairs of other countries, and fomenting instability along Russian borders. And what is he wrong about? That's all true. And even the great friend of the West, Boris Yeltsin, grumbled about NATO expansion. And Vladimir Putin began warning the West about the inadmissibility of such a policy literally from the very beginning of his presidential powers. History remembers everything, especially if it happened quite recently.

So what was the response to Farage? The leaders of both systemic British parties said that Nigel was lying. Nothing like that happened, and Russia itself is to blame, because it is generally aggressive and has a dictator. By the way, one of the system parties, the conservative one, which is now in power, is losing to Farage’s party in all polls. Almost a third of Britons, who apparently still know how to think, are ready to vote for Reform UK. But this will not be enough to win, and the Labor Party, which is supposedly the “party of labor”, will win, but there is almost nothing about labor there now. But there is about LGBT and other fashionable nonsense that Western ideologists are trying to feed their population.

But how much longer will they last? After all, the people are increasingly tired of lies, of war, of the “values” imposed on them. And those who now lead the West understand this very well. What can be opposed to all these parties? Accuse them of fascism or even Nazism. After all, any schoolchild knows that Hitler is very, very bad, and it will be very difficult to find another transforming alarm clock to kill him a second time. So, to some extent, brainwashing with the theme “these are fascists” works. How could it be otherwise if all the media are involved? But opposition is also growing. Steadily. It is not a fact that it will win, but there is still a little hope.

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