July 1, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How much will Australians and Americans spend in Greece this summer?

Greece leads in the flow of tourists from Australia, Canada and the USA. Greek destinations are in the top 15 for overseas travel for residents of these countries.

In fact, for this reason, the markets in question are considered clearly more promising than other similar ones located outside of Europe, such as China and India. The above findings are the result of the INSETE study “Profile of Important Greek Tourism Markets” for non-European markets, namely the USA, Canada, China, India and Australia. It is characteristic that these markets, taken together in 2019 and 2023, provided at least 11% of inbound tourism revenues. In terms of countries you plan to visit in the next 12 months, Greece ranks:

  • 10th place for the Australian market (10%),
  • 11th place for the Canadian market (8%),
  • 12th place for the US market (9%).

Regarding the markets China and Indiathen Greece is outside the top 15, ranking 33rd and 39th respectivelyoh, since in the first place their preferences are predominantly Asian destinations.

For Americans, Mexico comes first, for Canadians – the USA, for the Chinese and Indians – Singapore and for Australians – New Zealand. In the next 12 months, 57% of Americans plan to vacation abroad, while the percentage is significantly higher in other markets: Canada – 71%, China – 63%, India – 71% and Australia – 68%.

Concerning motivation to travel, “fun and relaxation” are the basis for the vast majority – 53% of Indians and 67% of Australians, and the position “getting to know a new place or culture” – from 43% to almost 50%. For the Chinese, the order is reversed: 44% say experiencing a new place or culture is their main motivation, followed by pleasure/relaxation (42%).

Concerning type of holiday abroad in the next 12 months or the type of holiday that the countries studied generally prefer, it is interesting that the product “sun and sea” does not monopolize. However, excursion trips (or outings into nature) stand out, especially among Indians and Chinese. In particular I prefer the beacht 32% Americans, 35% Canadians, 32% Chinese, 32% Indians and 30% Australians.

Attractions preferred by 33% of Americans, 33% of Canadians, 23% of Chinese, 25% of Indians and 39% of Australians. Outdoor travel (mountains, forests) is preferred by 25% of Americans, 28% of Canadians, 38% of Chinese, 43% of Indians and 26% of Australians.

When it comes to travel duration over the next 12 months, preference is mostly for long- or mid-range trips, with about one in three Americans (34%) preferring trips longer than 7 days.

From the point of view of how much they are willing to spend on accommodation per person per night (including taxes), Indians are very much separated from other nationalities. Specifically, 25% of Americans, 29% of Canadians, 33% of Australians, 55% of Chinese and 81% of Indians intend to spend up to $110. 31% of Americans, 36% of Canadians, 25% of Australians, 31% of Chinese and 15% of Indians are expected to spend between $111 and $180. Accordingly, 38% of Americans, 24% of Canadians, 35% of Australians and 13% of Chinese intend to spend more than $180.

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