July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

On June 21, all parks and groves in Attica are closed

Tomorrow, June 21st, will continue to be very challenging in terms of weather, as strong winds, combined with high temperatures, create conditions for fires throughout the country.

Due to the current conditions and the extreme risk of fire, the Attica region has decided to close parks and groves

According to the attached fire risk forecast map released today, Thursday 20-06-2024, by the General Secretariat of Civil Defense ((Γ.Γ.Π.Π.), tomorrow, June 21, 2024, areas of the Attica region will be in emergency alert status (category 5), risk of fire.

Risk category 5 (extreme danger)

The number of potential fires will be very high. All fires that may occur have the potential to quickly become large and develop extreme behavior immediately after they occur. The difficulty of fighting them will be very high until the conditions in which fires develop change.

In addition, on Friday there will be a very high risk of fires in Kythera (risk category 4), according to the fire danger forecast map published today by the General Secretariat of Civil Defense. Category 4 means that the risk of fires is very high. The number of fires expected is likely to be large, but more importantly, any fire can reach large proportions if it grows beyond its original source.

Implementation of a measure prohibiting the passage, stay and movement of people and vehicles in NATURA territories, as well as in forest ecosystems, parks and groves: more detailed information on decisions by regional divisions and maps indicating the boundaries of territories by link.

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