September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Moscow – Kyiv: “Why do you continue the war and destroy your country? You've already lost!

What is the reason for Ukraine to continue the war?“, asks Moscow, as Kyiv suffers horrific losses every day and the course of the war is almost impossible to change.

Russians adhere to peace plan (in fact, an ultimatum) put forward by Vladimir Putin, accepting the military defeat of Ukraine, as already “fait accompli” and declare that they do not want to continue further destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure and the Ukrainian state as a whole.

The fact is that on either side of the 1,000-kilometer front, the Ukrainians are not masters of the situation, and there is nothing on the horizon that could change the picture of the war in Kyiv's favor.

And all this at a time when political events in EU and USA “they're going well” for Moscow: in the European elections, the side that wants to stop the war gained more than 40%, dealing a serious blow to the anti-Russian wing of the EU, and in the USA there is even talk of “coup”in order to prevent Joe Biden from participating in the elections, who is losing heavily in the confrontation with Donald Trump.

The detailed statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense is as follows:

“Russian troops destroyed a western equipment warehouse and a UAV production workshop, which is a significant blow to the Ukrainian troops. Units of equipment of the 44th artillery brigade of Ukraine, which was used for the distribution and issuance of weapons and military equipment supplied from Western countries, were also destroyed.

Russian troops repelled two counterattacks by Ukrainian troops in the Kharkov region, inflicting heavy losses on Ukrainian brigades. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ukrainian troops lost 130 personnel, two armored vehicles, including an American Stryker, and several artillery systems.

In the Donetsk region, the losses of the Ukrainian army amounted to another 665 people. The Ukrainian army's ammunition depot was also destroyed, further strengthening its offensive potential. Russian troops destroyed a Ukrainian radar station and two S-300 missile launchers, and Russian air defenses shot down 24 Ukrainian UAVs and a Neptune-MD missile.”

Head of the CIA: is a nuclear strike on Ukraine possible?

Zugzwang for Putin

In Ukrainian tg channels the situation is assessed as follows: “There have been reports about the nuclear power, and I think it’s wrong. Rather, this shows a zugzwang for Putin; he has no emotional or quick decisions, only cumulative ones – this is what the West is manipulating. Briefly:

1. Strikes deep into the Russian Federation, daily shelling of the border area, terrorist attacks and the demolition of the Crimean Bridge are extremely painful, there is an understanding that this will continue, which means we need to win faster.

Not faster, but at a lower cost. The Kremlin is doing everything to ensure that the costs for an acceptable result are as low as possible. They can wait two years, the main thing is that the rules do not change. And permission to strike deep into the Russian Federation means an increase in these costs, precisely through changing the rules.

2. To win the war, you need to increase the scale of hostilities, and this is mobilization and all the ensuing consequences.

Also no. What hinders the advancement of the Russian army the most is not the shortage of weapons, but the lack of effective electronic warfare. If there had been electronic warfare or parity in fpv drones, it would have been much harder for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and the front would no longer be near Chasovoy Yar.

3. It is impossible to use tactical nuclear weapons – the allies will not understand. China has spoken out categorically against nuclear weapons. The West is working on this now in order to provoke a nuclear attack and win over the Russian Federation’s allies.

A misconception based on the realities of 2022. Yes, the West wants to make nuclear escalation irreconcilable for the Russian Federation. However, as the summit showed, they cannot force the South to even sign an objectively worthless piece of paper. And in 3 months it will be even worse. Moreover, if the Russians change their doctrine, and Ukraine continues to attack nuclear deterrent facilities.

Considering the level of conflict with China, we do not believe that the use of tactical nuclear weapons will turn China away from Russia. Imagine that Israel strikes Lebanon tomorrow, so what? Should the US turn its back on Israel? Conflict and stakes are growing dramatically.

4. Ukraine is strengthening itself more and more every day, there are a lot of weapons, weapons factories see no rest, the NATO alliance is flaunting exercises, add extra here. army in the form of allies.

That's it. Russia cannot win a conventional war against NATO. And this is not provided for in their doctrine. It is logical that NATO wants the Russian Federation to raise war costs and lead this country into an economic crisis, as was the case with the USSR. Putin, by the way, speaks openly about this. Finland was taken, for example, incl. so that the Russian Federation creates and maintains a new military district. In Russian doctrine, only one war with NATO is permissible – nuclear.

It seems that the West has gone all-in, and will lay down its bones to divide the Russian Federation, otherwise the hegemon will end. It is a pity that peaceful existence between all countries is impossible, even taking into account how civilization has advanced in development. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.”

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