June 29, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Almost every prostitute is potentially a carrier of 7 infections

Every 25th inhabitant of the planet has at least one curable “venereal” disease – chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis or syphilis. This is reported in a new study published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Most often, diseases are transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Prostitution is especially considered in this regard. Medicine analyzes prostitution in the context of the epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases. Commercial sex activities that contribute to the spread of HIV depend, among other things, on sex buyers having unprotected sex with sex workers and the number and characteristics of those clients' other sexual partners.

It is difficult to count clients of sex workers in different regions of the world, yet estimating the number of clients of prostitution is critical for HIV prevention.

Only 39% of prostitution clients know that you can become infected during oral contact, and only 60% of clients bring condoms with them.

Initially, commodity-money relations into which a client and a prostitute enter are devoid of a moral and ethical component, which is the main regulator of an individual’s sexual behavior.


American sociologist John Gagnon, a representative of the anthropological concept pointing to the psychophysiological, spiritual and social causes of prostitution, identifies several main aspects relating to the client:

  • Prostitution simplifies and speeds up sexual intimacy, relieving a man of the need for courtship, observing some rituals, and negotiating.
  • For a man, the end result is important, and a prostitute cannot say no.
  • A relationship with a prostitute relieves a man of responsibility – both social, in case of pregnancy, and emotional.
  • Prostitution attracts men with its exotic variety and the opportunity to gain new experience.
  • The age problem of aging men (after 50 years) who are attracted to younger women.
  • Often a man looks for a prostitute not only as a sexual partner, but also as an interlocutor.
  • The most frequent clients of prostitutes are visitors and business travelers who feel lonely and unloved.
  • Prostitution is a way of obtaining sex for those who cannot attract a woman other than for money.

The client perceives the sex worker as an object designed to satisfy sexual desires. Psychologically, the client is confident that by entering this “profession”, the prostitute agrees to play the role assigned to her by the client, therefore the client’s system of expectations and requirements is fundamental.

57% of clients believe that women engage in prostitution voluntarilyonly some clients understand that sex trade negatively impacts womeninvolved in the sex industry (psychiatric disorders, suicide). The recognition of prostitution as work is a subject of research in economic sociology.

In Greece, prostitutes are positioned as entrepreneurs providing sexual services for a fee. According to the law, such services can be provided by both individuals and organizations (for example, brothels). The bill would regulate such services and establish legal barriers (such as age restrictions and medical examinations).

Alas, ladies with low social responsibility are required to undergo a medical examination once a week (!). And who visited her during these days, from 1 to 7, is unknown. So think for yourself. Especially if you are a family person.


The incidence rate has increased the most gonorrhea: in 2022 it increased by 48% compared to 2021.
And if we compare it with 2018, then everything looks even worse: the number of patients with gonorrhea increased by 59%. These are mainly young men and women aged 20-24 years, and men catch it twice as often as women (men 99.6 cases per 100,000 people, women 48.1 cases per 100,000 people).
The difference is explained simply: in the majority of cases (60%) in 2022, men who have sex with men infected their partners with gonorrhea. At the same time, gays infected other gays, and bisexuals infected not only men, but also women. By the way, if we take the period from 2018 to 2022, the number of gonorrhea cases among men who have sex with men increased by 97%!

Incidence rate syphilis in 2022 increased by 34% compared to 2021. And by 41% – when compared with 2018.
And here is exactly the same trend: the main statistics were provided by men who have sex with men. This method of transmission was involved in 74% of cases of syphilis in 2022. Moreover, this trend has been observed for many years. “The increase in syphilis incidence observed over the past decade has been primarily driven by increased incidence among MSM,” the report noted. Among heterosexual men and women, the variation is not as great. But here’s what’s especially annoying: in 2022, 69 confirmed cases of congenital syphilis were registered in 14 countries EU/EEA. By comparison, in 2021, congenital syphilis was diagnosed in 55 cases reported by 11 countries.

Height chlamydia more modest, but it is still impressive – there were 16% more cases in 2022 than in 2021. These are mainly young women aged 20-24 years. And in 20% of cases these are men who have sex with men. In their environment, over the past five years, the incidence of chlamydia has increased by 72%.

Lymphogranuloma venereum – hThe disease is common in parts of Africa, India, Southeast Asia, South America and the Caribbean. It is also already well known in the United States, where outbreaks occur sporadically. It spreads mostly among men who have sex with men, although women can also become infected. In 2022, 2059 cases of lymphogranuloma venereum were reported in 23 EU/EEA countries. A little? On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, the rate of spread is very high: the year before there were only 1,302 cases. Growth – by 63%. Almost all cases of lymphogranuloma venereum reported in Europe in 2022 were among men who have sex with men, the report says.

What about 2023? There are data for individual countries, but generalizations on an EU scale have not yet been made. But the statistics that are available show a new steady growth. In Denmark and Ireland, chlamydia became more common: by 7% and 25%, respectively. The number of people infected with gonorrhea is growing: in Spain, the number of confirmed cases in 2023 was 92% more than in 2022 (22,745 cases, while there were 11,857 cases). And there were 68% more cases of syphilis in Spain last year than in the previous year.

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