June 29, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Switzerland plans to discuss the results of the Peace Summit with Russia and China

The head of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, Ignazio Cassis, said at a press conference following the summit that Switzerland wants to discuss the results of the peace conference with Russia, China and some countries that did not take part in it:

“We have an active embassy in Moscow, and every two weeks we communicate with the foreign minister, and we also have the intention to discuss the outcome of this conference with Russia.”

How transmits “Interfax-Ukraine”, he noted that Switzerland will hold a detailed discussion summit results and with other countries “on whose doors we knocked, but they did not come, for example, with China.”

The Foreign Minister recalled that at the first stage they offered mutual support, but then said “no” when they saw that at this first stage it was impossible to involve Russia. The minister also indicated that China and Brazil could take a different path, and it is about finding a way to combine these different approaches.

Cassis admitted that most of the decisions that have been made cannot be implemented without the participation of Russia. At the same time, he noted that it was from the point of view of the possible interest of the Russian side and building a path to peace that three topics were chosen for the first summit: nuclear security, food security and the release of prisoners and thousands of children, and not the issue, for example, of territorial integrity.

Swiss President Viola Amerd said at a press conference following the summit that, despite the existence of an International Criminal Court arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin, his presence could be arranged at further potential conferences and peace negotiations in Ukraine organized by Switzerland.

Answering a question from journalists whether Putin’s visit to Switzerland could be organized, taking into account the ICC arrest order for further negotiations and, possibly, a peace conference in Ukraine, Amerd said that this is possible:

“Yes, if the presence of a statesman is necessary for the conference, then an exception can be made. And in the case of peace negotiations in Ukraine with Russia, this would be just such a case. But this must be the decision of the government.”

Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis confirmed that this could be organised:

“This is possible in accordance with our laws. Of course, we must do this together with the ICC, but as a host state, we can make an exception.”

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