June 28, 2024

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Tourism 2023: where did you spend the most, where did you make the most profit, and where did you receive the most guests?

Residents of Italy, Germany and the UK spent the most on tourist trips last year of any European country.

United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), writes Euronews Travel has found that the biggest travel spenders in Europe are German, British and Italian tourists. This is evidenced by the results of the UNWTO, which records spending (and not only) on the tourism sector. In several categories, Europeans confidently topped the rankings.

Highest tourism spending

Chinese tourists have become the top spenders, with a total amount of 183 billion euros in 2023. After opening borders to international travel, they easily overtook Americans, who spent 114 billion euros last year. And just a year ago, tourists from the United States took first place. In third place in terms of expenses were the Germans, who spent 104 billion euros, and the British in fourth place (102 billion euros).

Italy, Canada, India, Russia and South Korea complete the list of countries that spent the most money on tourism in 2023. Italians' spending on travel increased – they moved from tenth place to seventh.

Where is the greatest profit from tourism recorded?

No matter how much Greece rejoices at the income from tourism, it is not among the leaders. The ranking is led by the United States, which earned 164 billion euros in 2023. They are followed by:

  • Spain – 86 billion euros,
  • Great Britain – 69 billion euros,
  • France – 64 billion euros,
  • Italy – 52 billion euros.

The list of fifteen countries that earn the most from tourism is completed by the UAE, Turkey, Australia, Canada, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Macau (China), India and Mexico.

Which countries do tourists most often choose to visit?

Two European countries ranked first for the number of foreign travelers last year. France remained the most visited country in the world with 100 million foreign tourists. It is expected to repeat this figure in 2024, as it hosts the Olympic Games in July and August. Spain came in second with 85 million. Both countries are ahead of the United States (66 million), Italy (57 million) and Turkey (55 million).

In total, seven of the ten most visited destinations are in Europe, including Germany and Austria. This makes our continent one of the most sought-after regions, attracting the largest number of foreign tourists.

China has remained one of the most popular destinations for many years, but since the introduction of strict entry requirements following the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of visitors has fallen sharply – from 65.7 million in 2019 to 35.5 million in 2023.

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