July 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Joint exercises between Greece and the United States in Attica have ended (photo)

Bilateral exercises between the Greek and US armed forces took place in the vast Attica region from May 20 to 30.

As announced today by the General Staff (ΓΕΕΘΑ), on the Greek side, personnel and equipment of the special operations aviation unit (ΜΑΕΕ) of the Special Warfare Command (ΔΕΠ) of the General Staff participated in the exercises, and on the American side, personnel and equipment of the mobile training group (ΚΕΟ ) 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) of the US Special Operations Forces.

The exercise, it said, was related to the planning and execution of special air operations and was carried out in preparation for the upcoming NATO Allied Special Operations Command (ASOFCOM) operational assessment in June 2024.

At the same time, joint training became a preparatory measure for actions to integrate new UH-60M helicopters, the delivery of which is just around the corner, into the ΜΑΕΕ.

This event confirms in practice the excellent relations between Greece and the United States at the military level, the press release concluded.

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