September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Electricity prices: “green” tariffs in June are lower than in January

Lower than average EU Both in absolute prices and in terms of purchasing power, electricity prices in Greece were lower in May.

June rates increased compared to the previous month, but Most suppliers' offers remain at a lower levelthan in January. According to monthly HEPI study of retail electricity prices in European countriesconducted by the energy regulators of Austria and Hungary and Vaasa ETT, average electricity price in Greece in May, including taxes, was 19.63 cents per kilowatt-hour, compared to the EU average of 23.93 cents.

In terms of purchasing power, that is, after accounting for differences in income, the price in Greece is 23.77 cents compared to 25.69 cents in the EU.

In addition, according to the Waste, Energy and Water Authority, feed-in tariffs in June for most suppliers (including DEIwhich is the largest supplier) is lower than in January, when the color differences.

However, there are also suppliers who have achieved significant increases, which means that consumers, as noted by the Minister of Environment and Energy Theodore Skilakakis, have every reason consider alternative options and choose the most advantageous offer. All electricity tariffs are presented on the ARAE website, we remind you that change of supplier both for “green” and “yellow” accounts free of charge.

The recent increase in electricity prices is due to increased demand due to higher temperatures, which implies a reduction in the contribution of renewable energy sources to cover the load, but also to rising international natural gas prices.

This combination is estimated to be able to maintain the growth trend at least through the summer. As for natural gas, concern in the European and international markets was caused by the possibility of termination of gas supplies to Austria by the Russian Gazprom (by court decision).

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