September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Preliminary results of the European Parliament elections: the center-right won (video)

The preliminary official results of the elections to the European Parliament have been presented. An alliance of centre-right parties, the European People's Party (EPP), wins.

By data at 2:10 Monday 10 June, The EPP can count on 189 of 720 parliamentary seats. For comparison: in the current European Parliament this alliance has 176 mandates, writes Deutsche Welle. EC head von der Leyen expects to retain his position. She intends to cooperate with forces supporting Ukraine.

The second largest faction, according to the forecast, remains Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), which should get 135 seats. Followed by association of liberals “Renewing Europe”which will have a faction of 83 MEPs. European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) can count on 72 mandates, and right-wing nationalists of the “Identity and Democracy” association – for 58 seats.

The Greens/European Free Allianceaccording to forecasts, will significantly lose representation in the EP and will receive 53 mandates. European United Left/Northern Green-Leftaccording to the forecast, will receive 35 seats in the new EP.

Another 45 seats will belong to non-factional deputies, and 50 mandates will belong to newly elected deputies who are not associated with any of the political groups formed in the parliament of the previous convocation.

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In this election elect 720 members of the European Parliament – This is 15 more than in the previous elections, but less than the 751 MEPs who were in parliament before leaving the UK bloc.

The turnout in the elections was about 51%, reported the European Parliament. This is not much more than during the last elections in 2019 – then the turnout was 50.66%.

Forecast results for the European Parliament elections in Germany give victory by a significant margin to the opposition bloc CDU/CSU, the party of Chancellor Olaf Scholz is only third after the far right.

In Austria The far-right, pro-Russian Freedom Party is the likely winner of the European Parliament elections.

In Slovakia The Slovak opposition party Progressive Slovakia took first place, and the party of Prime Minister Robert Fico came second.

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