September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The authorities are preparing "knock out" money from large government debtors

The ministries of finance and labor are preparing “knock out” money from those large debtors of the state, who did not take care to pay off their debts.

By the decision signed by the responsible Deputy Ministers Harris Theoharis and Panos Tsakloglou, the last chance for large debtors is extended by one month, namely until July 31, 2024, instead of June 30, when the names of large debtors from the population and EFKA will be published:

  • Principal overdue debt to the tax authorities exceeding the amount of 150,000 euros, the payment of which is overdue for a period of more than one year on the date of retrieval of this data from the information systems of the tax and customs services.
  • Major social security contribution arrears to EFKA exceeding EUR 150,000 and overdue for more than one year from the date of receipt of data from the information system of the Insurance Debt Collection Center (KEAO).
  • It is estimated that the number of large debtors exceeds 30,000. This is 1% of debtors who owe about 90% of nearly 140 billion in arrears in tax and social security funds.
  • Most large debtors have debts dating back decades, and bankrupt companies are expected to appear on the lists, leaving tax and insurance funds with millions of euros of debt that were effectively “erased” by the collection mechanism.
  • For individuals, the list will include: taxpayer identification number, last name, first name, patronymic, principal debt and contributions to state financial services/audit centers, customs authorities and partial total debt for each group of services and organizations.
  • For legal entities and individuals the following will be published: TIN, name, registration address, principal debt and contributions to state financial services/audit centers, customs, tax service, partial total debt for each group of services and organizations and notes.

Exceptions: sThe law provides that the following debts are not subject to disclosure, even if they meet the criteria for the amount and age of the debt:

  • which have been subjected to a regularization scheme and the conditions of this scheme have been met,
  • the payment of which is suspended on the basis of a temporary order, court decision, act of an administrative body or by law,
  • which are considered non-refundable,
  • debts of deceased persons or minors,
  • debts of legal entities in the narrow or broad public sector.

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