September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In Georgia, authorities are preparing to ban the LGBT movement

In the near future, the ruling Georgian Dream party plans to adopt 19 laws under the general title “Against LGBT propaganda among minors and to protect family values,” Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili said at a briefing.

The following will be prohibited: “propaganda of same-sex relationships and incest” in works of art, LGBT marches, registration of “any relationship alternative to marriage” between a man and a woman, a ban on same-sex couples raising children, gender reassignment operations and gender identification other than biological.

Parliamentary press secretary Shalva Papuashvili told reporters that one of the laws introduces a new public holiday in Georgia – “Family Holiness Day”. It is proposed to celebrate it annually on May 17, that is, on the Day of the Fight against Homophobia and Transphobia. As noted, other bills provide for:

  • a ban on marches, meetings or demonstrations aimed at promoting same-sex marriage, etc.;
  • a ban on “registration of an alternative marriage union”;
  • prohibition of child adoption by non-heterosexual couples;
  • prohibition of any medical procedures for gender reassignment;
  • a ban on “LGBT propaganda” in the education and media sectors (a special commission will ensure that in any works the authors do not “promote same-sex relationships or incest”);
  • a ban on any restriction in government agencies and private companies on the free use of the terms “mom” and “dad”.

Shalva Papuashvili noted that, at the initiative of the party, the authorities have been discussing constitutional changes of similar content for several months. For this, Georgian Dream needs three-quarters of the votes from the total number of deputies, that is, the support of the opposition. The announced legislative package requires a simple majority in parliament.

It is expected that the bill will be approved in the first reading during the spring session, and in the second and third readings during the autumn session, Papuashvili noted. Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze, commenting on the bill “On family values ​​and the protection of minors,” said that it is necessary to “clearly separate the protection of human rights and propaganda.” “Human rights in Georgia are protected and must be strictly observed. This applies to any person, regardless of his lifestyle, but propaganda is unacceptable, and the bill initiated concerns propaganda specifically.”said He.

Let us recall that the Georgian authorities came into conflict with the West after the adoption of the law “about foreign agents“, which is associated with Russia. On June 3, this law came into force, in connection with which Georgia is predicted to face sanctions from the countries of the “collective West”.

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