September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Temu pursued by commission after consumer complaints

Temu is required to comply with stricter regulations EUas the Chinese e-commerce group is added to the list of major online platforms facing increased obligations under the new European Digital Services Act (DSA).

As announced by the European Commission, the Temu online store is recognized “a very large platform” because in Europe he has 75 million users, which exceeds the 45 million threshold. The decision comes after European consumer groups complained of manipulation by Temu, which has become popular in Europe for its low prices.

According to complaints filed with the commission, Temu uses methods such as dark patterns, to encourage shoppers to spend more money. European legislation prohibits misleading interfaces and imposes increased transparency on algorithms used to target users. It obliges to verify the authenticity of sellers on online platforms and expel repeat offenders.

Temu, like 23 other major platforms subject to increased European regulation, is now required to analyze the risks associated with its services and implement measures to address them. This analysis will be reviewed annually by the European Commission, which now takes on the role of the EU's “digital gatekeeper”.

The Chinese platform must fulfill its new obligations by the end of September. Violators are subject to a fine of up to 6% of annual global turnover, and in case of serious and repeated violations, a ban on activities in Europe.

Let us remind you that a corresponding platform has been opened for filing a complaint in Greece on the government services website Learn more about filing a complaint link.

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