September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Turkish President R.T. Erdogan calls on the Islamic world to “arm up” to fight Israel

Turkish President Erdogan addresses the Islamic world: “What are you waiting for to make a joint decision on Israel? What else needs to happen for you to react? I swear, Allah will hold us all accountable for this.”

This is a direct call from extreme Islamists, as well as governments of countries of the Islamic world, for a military operation against Israel. Reason – AndIsraeli attack on Rafah and images of dead civilians cited by the Turkish president to incite Islamic states against Netanyahu and Israel.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan named Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu “bloodthirsty vampire” accusing the United States of being, like Israel, responsible for the genocide he said was taking place in Gaza. The Turkish President also sent his “arrows” at Europe, saying it is killing its own values ​​and human rights. “The world is watching the cruelty of a sick, maniac, psychopath, bloodthirsty vampire named Netanyahu, and even watching it live.”– said the Turkish president to applause.

And all this at a meeting of the parliamentary faction of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), when those present in the hall chanted slogans such as Netanyahu “cursed by God” and “murderer”.

Then he directed his “arrows” against the United States, claiming that it is complicit in the genocide in Gaza and has blood on its hands. “Oh American state! This blood is on your hands. You bear the same responsibility for this genocide as Israel,” – he said.

“O heads of state and government of Europe,” the Turkish president continued, “you also became participants in this genocide, this barbarity, this vulgarization of Israel, because you were silent. They hit hospitals, schools, mosques, and you were silent. They shot at the convoy with humanitarian aid, and you were silent. They shot at journalists, doctors, humanitarian workers, and you were silent. They found group graves in the hospital gardens, and you did not react openly, citing Hamas.”

Tayyip Erdogan also stated that Israel “poses a threat not only to the Palestinians, not only to Gaza, but to all humanity and world peace,” adding that “Hitler, followed today by Netanyahu”was stopped, albeit slowly, by the American-Soviet alliance. “This genocide, this atrocity, this barbarity must be stopped immediately by the union of humanity, before it is too late, before Netanyahu and his network of murderers are completely out of control,” – Erdogan said.

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