September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A snake bit a 50-year-old man twice: the reptile was hiding in his galoshes

In a village near Patras, a man was bitten by a viper. According to the live news channel, the victim went to put on his shoes and felt a bite.

The man was hospitalized in serious condition; he also suffered hemorrhagic shock. The 50-year-old later told live how the incident happened. According to him, last Thursday afternoon he left his home in Patras to change his shoes and go to work. He did not notice that a snake had gotten into his shoes. And only when he put his foot into the galoshes did he feel a sharp pain. The viper managed to bite him twice.


The man said: “She was small and at first I didn’t understand anything. Then I lost consciousness… Thank God, my neighbor helped me. Otherwise, I don’t know what could have happened, how it would have ended.”

The witness says: “I found my neighbor already unconscious. He was lying face down with drool coming out of his mouth and he could barely move his tongue when I asked him what was wrong.”

Among other things, the man hit his head when he fell. His friend transported him in a farm vehicle to the hospital. The victim was saved – doctors injected him with serum (an antidote after a snake bite).

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