September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"Drone Wall" from Poland to Norway

To protect their borders, the Baltic countries, Poland, Finland and Norway have agreed to create a “drone wall.”

Unmanned aerial vehicles will be used for this, Lithuanian Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite said after a meeting on Friday in Latvia with her colleagues from these countries:

“This is a completely new thing – a drone wall stretching from Norway to Poland – and its goal is to use drones and other technologies to protect our borders […] from provocations from unfriendly countries and to prevent smuggling.”

To create such protection, reports LRT, countries will use UAVs to monitor border areas, as well as countermeasures systems to stop drones from enemy countries that are used for smuggling and provocations.

Bilotaite said Lithuania had already developed plans to strengthen its border defenses using drones. The State Border Guard has recently created a UAV unit and is in the process of acquiring additional drones and counter-drone systems. writes “European truth”.

After meeting and deciding, countries will assess what homework they need to do, and then, with the help of experts, national authorities will draw up a plan to implement it. Bilotaite could not say when the idea will become a reality, but noted that a “wall of drones” could be created at the expense of EU. The ministers agreed to organize joint evacuation exercises in the participating countries, she said:

“We agreed to conduct regional exercises to ensure the evacuation of the population, to see how our institutions are ready to work, to interact with each other, what are our capabilities for accommodating people, what are the capabilities of other countries, are they ready to accept a certain number of our people. We have more a lot of questions, we need to look at all these algorithms. Training would be very valuable because we would look at things, evaluate them and strengthen our readiness.”

Earlier this week, as reported our publication, on the website of the Russian government, we noticed a project indicating the plans of the Russian Federation to unilaterally change the maritime borders with its neighbors in the Baltic Sea. After publicity, the project disappeared from the site. On Thursday, Estonia said Russian border guards had removed buoys installed on the Estonian half of the Narva River.

The EU's chief diplomat said that the EU expects an explanation from Russia regarding these actions and demands that the buoys be immediately returned to their place. A number of EU states published separate statements expressing support for Estonia and condemning Russia's provocative actions. The Prime Minister of Finland suggested that Russia is testing NATO with its actions.

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