September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece refrained from approving the resolution on “genocide” in Srebrenica

The Germans seem to want to “ignite” new “fires” in the Balkans by presenting a resolution voted for yesterday in the UN General Assembly, which essentially recognizes that the Serbs committed genocide in Srebrenica in 1995.

Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik has already warned that the adoption of this declaration “will mean the end of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Republika Srpska even stated through its president that it would propose peaceful secession.

The Germans knew what they could provoke with this resolution, and it is clear that they have specific goals. Serbia is the only country that has maintained friendly relations with Russia, and the West is looking for ways to change its orientation, and for this there is nothing easier than organizing a “color revolution” in the country…

Note that Germany played a leading role in the collapse of the former Yugoslavia in 1991, since it was she who recognized the secession of Slovenia and Croatia, and then Bosnia (despite the fact that everyone knew that this was a multinational and multi-religious region).

Athens, doing the right thing and maintaining due regard for homologous Serbia, abstained from voting in the UN General Assembly on the resolution declaring July 11 as an “International Day of Reflection and Remembrance of the 1995 Srebrenica Genocide.” In particular, Berlin succeeded in promoting this resolution against Serbia. In the past, a similar resolution was dedicated to the “genocide of the Tutsi” in Rwanda.

As a result, the resolution passed with a small margin and with a large number of countries abstaining from voting. In particular, 171 out of 193 member states took part in the voting. 84 countries voted in favor, 19 countries voted against, and 68 countries abstained. This means that less than half of the UN member countries (193 in total) voted for the “resolution” (84 countries), while there were more votes against and abstentions (87 votes).

Greece presented the rationale for its position to the Bureau of the General Assembly, saying that promoting such a resolution at this time was inappropriate, “does not contribute to the ongoing dialogue in the Western Balkans, comes at an inopportune time, does not contribute to reconciliation efforts in the region and does not serve the prospect of countries joining the EU“.

President Aleksandar Vucic, who is in New York monitoring developments, called on the country not to vote for the resolution. On Tuesday (21/5) he already called on Greece to abstain from voting on the Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly. “There is news that Greece will definitely vote for the resolution. I do not believe this, I believe our Greek friends, our Greek brothers and many others that they will show with their vote how much they respect their Serbian friends, and I urge them to be restrained, because I know that they cannot be against,” the Serbian president said in a video posted on his Instagram account.

Athens decided to take a “participating” position in the process but “abstain” during the voting.

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